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Women's Family Fertility Unit of the Jeanne d'Arc Clinic, winner of the 1000 Premiers jours project

The "House of the First 1000 Days" is a recommendation of the report submitted in September 2020 by the Cyrulnik Commission. At the same time a plural place where several services are offered to (future) parents and a meeting point for parents and professionals of the first 1000 days, it is a local factory of projects of the first 1000 days and of responses to the daily needs of parents.

Scientific work shows that this is a fundamental period for the development of the child, his health, his well-being. The period is also decisive for parents who take on a new role.

In this context, calls for projects have been put in place by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, aimed at supporting and encouraging the initiatives of establishments.

For this first year, 192 projects have been selected and will be financed throughout the national territory, in 15 different regions.

Thanks to these projects, parents can have access to reliable information based on solid scientific knowledge, be listened to, and guided in the course of the first 1000 days of their child. These parents, especially the most vulnerable, will thus be offered personalized support that better meets their needs.

Tools have been put in place to facilitate exchanges with parents:

  • The website
  • The mobile application of the first 1000 days downloadable from the usual stores
  • The "booklet of our first 1000 days", sent when declaring pregnancy

The Women's Family Fertility Unit of the Jeanne d'Arc Clinic is pleased to be one of the 192 winners, for its action to raise awareness among future parents of environmental health issues through the use of washable diapers, which limit exposure babies to endocrine disruptors and to reduce the impact on the environment by reducing the consumption of disposable diapers.


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