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The CLINIFUTUR Health Group, which over the years has become a major health player in Reunion, is preparing, by 2024, to bring out of the ground the first private medical and surgical clinic in Mayotte where it is already established with 3 dialysis centers. This project responds to a request from the Regional Health Agency and is part of a global reflection on the development of the healthcare offer in Mayotte for its 290,000 inhabitants.

The context:

The Department of Mayotte is facing a saturation of an insufficient supply of care associated with demographic pressure (+2.7% per year) and migration. Added to this is a limited retention of health professionals (4 times fewer specialists per inhabitant than in mainland France), the persistence of infectious risks and the rise in addictions and chronic diseases (heart pathologies, cancers, diseases linked to poor quality food).

The health of the inhabitants of Mayotte is impacted by many factors: the degraded environment with a high proportion of unsanitary housing, inadequate hygiene and the difficulty of access to drinking water...

Because health inspires it, the Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR has decided to take up the challenge:

  • offer the Mayotte population access to care provided by its specialist practitioners,
  • access a new high-performance technical platform on site,
  • reduce medical evacuations (EVASAN), carried out most often to Reunion.

The CLINIFUTUR Health Group has always been present in terms of health cooperation and recalls its experience in the care of Mayotte patients:

  • Dispatch of specialized practitioners to provide non-existent or insufficient skills in Mayotte (gastroenterology, cardiology and oncology at present)
  • Reception in Medical Evacuation mode from Mayotte: approximately 200 MEDEVACs are carried out in conjunction with the Sainte-Clotilde Clinic each year in the following areas: cancer surgery, arteriovenous fistula (FAV), radiotherapy, chemotherapy, interventional cardiology. [The AVF surgical technique cannot be performed in Mayotte where patients with end-stage chronic renal failure come to Reunion on MEDEVAC before returning to Mayotte and benefiting from their essential dialysis session.]
  • Establishment of 3 dialysis centers in Mayotte (North Kaweni and Mamoudzou and South M’Ramadoudou)
  • Creation of a home substitute with 36 studios, the Maison d’Accueil de Sainte-Clotilde, for Mayotte patients who need to undergo long-term care in Reunion
  • First surgical cooperation missions in the midst of the Covid crisis in May and September 2020, which enabled 70 Mahorais to benefit from the placement of an arteriovenous fistula (FAV) in their place of residence; commercial flights being suspended during this period between the two islands of Reunion and Mayotte.

THE PROJECT – The Chirongui Clinic:

The future clinic will be located in the town of Chirongui in the south of Mayotte. Its authorization was granted in 2019 by the Indian Ocean Regional Health Agency, and it covers Medicine and Surgery activities, in addition to the care offered by the Mayotte Hospital Center located in the north of Mayotte. The final location of the clinic has been modified from the location initially planned on Dembéni due to the problem of land available in Mayotte.

The Chirongui Clinic, whose investment represents an estimated overall budget of €30 million, covers a total area of 8000m², and will start its activities in 2024 with nearly 60 beds divided between Medicine and Surgery. The delivery of the building, scheduled for 2024, may be disrupted by hazards: supplies, availability of companies, security, etc.

The operating theater will consist of 4 rooms equipped with state-of-the-art, latest-generation technology. In surgery, the management will be done on an outpatient basis or in weekly surgery for the following specialties: vascular, gynecological, gastroenterology, ENT, urological, digestive, stomatology, orthopedic, ophthalmological. For the medical activity, a 15-bed general medicine service and a sector with 5 chemotherapy places will make it possible to treat patients in the South region. Doctors will be able to benefit from specialist advice via tele-expertise from their colleagues from the Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR in La Réunion: cardiologist, infectiologist, algologist, pulmonologist, neurologist.

The clinic will house a radiology center and a medical analysis laboratory. A pharmacy for indoor use will serve the clinic and will be shared with the 3 Maydia dialysis centers.

With regard to human resources, the group foresees the creation of 200 jobs over the next 5 years thanks to this new structure and will favor as much as possible the employment of personnel from Mayotte, which will greatly facilitate the accessibility of care for the population by limiting the language barrier.

With regard to human resources, the group foresees the creation of 200 jobs over the next 5 years thanks to this new structure and will favor as much as possible the employment of personnel from Mayotte, which will greatly facilitate the accessibility of care for the population by limiting the language barrier.

To provide the skilled labor required by the activity of a health establishment and to make up for the lack of local skills, the specialist practitioners and specialist nurses of the group in particular (anesthetist and operating room nurses) will carry out one-week assignments on a rotating basis. A total of 40 surgeons, anesthesiologists, oncologists and general medicine specialists from the group volunteer to carry out its missions. This will make it possible to offer a diversified care offer. Experienced and voluntary staff from establishments in Reunion will also have the possibility of being transferred to the Clinique de Chirongui. The group hopes to be able to gradually settle qualified personnel on site and thus reduce the use of missions from Reunion. In order to facilitate access to the clinic, equipped accommodation is provided on site for the teams on mission.

In addition to this organization, the clinic will benefit, like all the establishments of the group, from the expertise and support shared from La Réunion by cross-functional structures.

The certification procedure by the Haute Autorité de Santé, which is mandatory for all French healthcare establishments, has already been taken into account upstream and it will be initiated as soon as the clinic opens.


The CLINIFUTUR Health Group will continue to meet the health needs of the territory, identified by the Regional Health Agency of Mayotte, in particular, by implementing associated centers for Mayotte in areas such as interventional cardiology or radiotherapy. The surgical activity will also be able to gradually expand so as to have full hospitalization beds and continuous monitoring beds which will make it possible to carry out more complex operations on site in Mayotte (oncological surgery, etc.). The development of the Clinique de Chirongui will improve medical performance in the Indian Ocean area and access to liberal medicine in Mayotte by creating a foothold for specialists, for the benefit of patients and the Mayotte population.


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