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Inauguration of the C.N.G.O.F label for maternity wards

The Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR is pleased to announce that its 2 level 2A maternity wards located at the Sainte-Clotilde Clinic and the Jeanne d'Arc Clinic have renewed their commitment to certification by the CNGOF (National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians ). This distinction attests to our commitment to always better meet the expectations of pregnant women and to work constantly to improve the quality of care, safety and well-treatment of the women and couples we support.

Supported by, our maternities offer women monitored free access to MATERNYS, the interactive platform for information, advice and assessment of their care. Videos on around twenty topics illustrating pregnancy monitoring, childbirth and postnatal care, as well as a multitude of explanations and advice that can answer questions that women and couples pose. The information received on pregnancy and the progress of childbirth is a valuable indicator for our maternities. Women express their experiences anonymously and freely, through their course of care and their support. “The objective is to now entrust part of the quality control to the women themselves. We are the first medical specialty to do so”, explains Pr Israël NISAND, Obstetrician Gynecologist at the origin of this label and former President of the CNGOF.

The label has been awarded since 2021 to our 2 maternities and following the evaluation carried out by the CNGOF on the basis of its 12 recommendations and their evolutions but also by integrating feedback from users and healthcare professionals. birth (obstetrician-gynaecologists, midwives, anesthesiologists, nurses, childcare workers, psychologists, etc.) in certified establishments. This certification represents our desire to contribute strongly to the development of practices for women and couples actively engaged in their care journey, with the help of all the birth professionals who work in our establishments. More than ever, it validates our constant desire to adapt our support, information and listening to patients.

Our maternities were honored to receive the visit of Pr NISAND, traveling to Reunion to meet the healthcare teams and inaugurate the CNGOF label, in the presence of partners from the perinatal sector:

The Clinique Jeanne d'Arc-Les Orchidées is a major producer of surgery in the West sector and has more than 80 doctors and specialists as well as a team of more than 230 employees. It has a capacity of 157 beds and places. Its Women-Family-Fertility unit, which currently includes 26 hospital beds (and can accommodate approximately 950 births per year), 3 birth rooms, 6 neonatology cradles and 6 outpatient places will move to the Les Orchidées site in January 2023 .

The Sainte-Clotilde Clinic, a Medicine, Surgery & Obstetrics (MCO) establishment, is the largest clinic in Reunion in terms of size with a capacity of 349 beds and places, and with 603 employees and 103 doctors. Her
Mother-Child Center includes a 30-bed maternity unit (accommodating approximately 1,800 deliveries per year), a neonatology unit with 12 cradles and a gynecological surgery sector with 10 beds.

Labeled “Places of Health Without Tobacco”, our 2 Sainte-Clotilde and Jeanne d'Arc maternities are committed to the fight against tobacco. They also allow patients in precarious situations and in need of external care to benefit for themselves and for their newborns from the system of permanent access to health care (PASS perinatale).


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