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Cancer treatment can involve several treatments:

  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hormone therapy
  • Targeted therapies, combined or alone.

Here we give you information on the establishments that will welcome you, the treatments, the various support treatments available to you and the follow-up of your illness.

Oncology: Different treatments

Oncology and radiotherapy in Réunion

Oncology, also called carcinology or cancerology, is the medical specialty of studying, diagnosing and treating cancer.

Radiation oncology or radiotherapy is one of the main methods of cancer treatment. It applies specific rays to destroy a tumor or pathological cells that risk developing into a tumour. The doctor specializing in this field knows the differences between the various types of rays. He knows which rays to use for which disease, and knows the effect of different rays on the body. He masters the handling of the various devices used for irradiation. Breast cancers are often treated with radiotherapy when possible, so that their normal form can be preserved. Radiation therapy is also used for localized cancers in the prostate, lung, uterus, lymph nodes, bones, skin, and brain. Radiation oncology is often combined with chemotherapy or surgery. The patient is monitored very comprehensively in cooperation with the oncologist, or cancer specialist.

Oncology clinics

cancerologie reunion


Chemotherapy is the use of certain chemicals to treat a disease. It is a treatment technique in its own right, just like surgery or radiotherapy.

Chemotherapy clinics

cancerologie 974

Cancer surgery

Oncology surgery is a method of cancer treatment that consists of removing the tumor. This care is entrusted to surgeons specialized in a field (orthopedics for the bone, urology for the kidney and urinary organs, neurosurgery for the brain, etc.).

Oncological surgery clinics

traitement du cancer reunion prise en charge cancer

Supportive care in oncology

Cancer care

It does not stop at the treatment of the disease alone. Care called supportive care exists to ensure the best possible quality of life. This care contributes to relieve the undesirable effects of treatments, to reduce fatigue or pain and provide you with physical, psychological or social support throughout the illness and after the cancer.

Psychological support

Going through the ordeal of cancer induces psychological suffering. A psychologist can help you and your loved ones find peace. Do not hesitate to contact her directly or through the healthcare team.

Social service

Cancer patients can have recourse to appropriate social assistance. A social worker can, for example, accompany you in the social procedures related to daily and professional life. Do not hesitate to contact her. Indeed, she knows perfectly the administrative circuits and will be able to facilitate your steps.


When cancer changes your appearance, for example when your hair falls out, professionals called socio-estheticians can support and advise you. The socio-esthetician will provide you with advice and appropriate care throughout your treatment journey. He will help you improve your self-image through aesthetic treatments (hairstyle, make-up, manicure, etc.).

Listening to pain

The management of pain, a consequence of treatments or of the disease itself is a priority. An algologist doctor (pain specialist) is available as soon as you need it.

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